mmcu=atmega64 -Wall -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -DF_CPU=8000000UL -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -MD -MP -MT main.o -MF dep/main.o.d -c ../main.c
/usr/bin/sh: -Wall: command not found
make: [main.o] Error 127 (ignored)
mmcu=atmega64 -Wl, main.o -o TVLHD_2M.elf
/usr/bin/sh: -Wl, command not found
make: [TVLHD_2M.elf] Error 127 (ignored)
avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature TVLHD_2M.elf TVLHD_2M.hex
avr-objcopy: 'TVLHD_2M.elf': No such file
make: *** [TVLHD_2M.hex] Error 1
Build failed with 1 errors and 0 warnings...
이럴때... 이렇게 하라고 한다..
This seems to be something that the half-brains at Atmel have gone out of their way to ruin in Studio 4.19. Originally Studio had a mechanism where it would look for an find WinAVR if it was installed. Then Atmel started making a half-baked rip-off of WinAVR called "Toolchain" so they modified Studio so it would look for both (and annoyingly it found their crap in preference to WinAVR).
It now appears in 4.19 (which is the latest) that they don't even try to look for WinAVR any more. This just shows how shorted sighted Atmel are.
When you create a GCC project now you need to go to
Project-Configuration Options then on the 5th tab ("Custom options") set the path to avr-gcc to be /winavr/bin/avr-gcc.exe and the path to "make" to be /winavr/utils/bin/make.exe and THEN you should be able to build OK.
?? ㅎㅎ
위의 말을 간단하게 2개의 그림으로 표현 한다면?
make와 avr-gcc의 링크가 빠져서 생기는 오류 입니다.
Project-Configuration Options
("Custom options") set the path to avr-gcc to be
/winavr/bin/avr-gcc.exe and the path to "make" to be
/winavr/utils/bin/make.exe and THEN you should be able to build OK.
더 쉬운 방법은?
avr-toolchain이 좀더 확실한 방법 입니다.
도움이 되셨나요? 아래 손가락 눌러주고 가세요~~! 꼬옥~~!
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